How Much Does it Cost to Fix the Home Button on an iPad Pro?

If your iPad has an issue that is covered by our warranty, you won't have to pay any fees. However, if the issue isn't covered, you'll need to pay either an out-of-warranty fee or an AppleCare+ service fee. You can find the applicable rates on this page. If you don't have AppleCare+, you'll need to pay the out-of-warranty fee for that type of repair. Our warranty doesn't cover batteries that wear out from normal use.

If the battery has worn out, we offer out-of-warranty battery service for a fee. If you have AppleCare+, it will cover your iPad or Apple Pencil at no additional cost if the product's battery is less than 80 percent of its original capacity. If your iPad screen is accidentally broken, you can replace it for an out-of-warranty fee. Accidental damage isn't covered by Apple's warranty. If the screen cracks due to a manufacturing problem, it is covered by the warranty.

If you have AppleCare+, it includes accidental damage protection. Each incident has a service fee. You can use a ticket to damage the screen. If you don't have AppleCare+, the out-of-warranty fee applies. See the iPad Express Replacement Service page for more information.

Our warranty doesn't cover damage caused by accidents or unauthorized modifications. See warranty for full details. You can check the status of your coverage online and update your proof of purchase information if there is an error in our records. If our warranty doesn't cover your repair, you'll need to pay the out-of-warranty fees. iPad Pro 10.5 Home Button Repair can be arranged in 1 hour by appointment. What started as a simple mechanism to allow users to return to the home screen or assist during a restart operation, has become a home button with Touch ID functionality and touch support for new devices.

It's possible that the home button is broken and needs repair. If that's the case (or you think it might be), contact Apple Support or an Apple service provider to get it fixed. First clean the screen, paying special attention to the home button: if you see dirt or grease trapped in the crack around the home button, try cleaning that area thoroughly - you'll need a screen cleaning solution to break down the grease. It's possible that the home button is broken and needs repair, usually because the home button holder has become loose or the digitizer flex cable is twisted or damaged in some way. If you've gone through all of the troubleshooting steps and your iPad's home button still isn't working, it's time to explore repair options.

If the home button on your iPad or iPhone isn't working and you want to wait for repairs to take place, here are FOUR key solutions that will help you until you can get it fixed. You've successfully fixed the home button on your iPad or have a great option to repair it if necessary. Actually, if you turn on the calculator, hold down the lock button until the shutdown slide appears, and then hold down the home button until the strength of the calculator turns off, it doesn't matter if the home button works or not. If none of these steps helped with your iPhone's home button, it's probably time to get a professional repair. The Touch-ID function of the home button also won't work well if your finger is wet or if there is dust on the home button.

If your iPhone's home button started having problems after replacing its battery, it's very likely that the contacts on the home button (there are two gold contacts that are short-circuited) weren't properly placed. You may just want to repair the start button instead of paying for third-party software that doesn't even fix the problem.

Wyatt Warpool
Wyatt Warpool

Passionate zombie nerd. Lifelong music trailblazer. Hipster-friendly zombie ninja. Hardcore tv practitioner. Lifelong music lover. Unapologetic web ninja.

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